Monday, September 20, 2010


Yeah I couldn't think of a title that would work for this blog post.

Not sure why I came to my Geography of the Middle East class. We are just watching a movie--well, the rest of the class is watching a movie and I am writing this blog post. I am seriously impressed with people who can write interesting blog posts on a regular basis. I struggle to write one once a month, and most of the time they aren't even interesting. Some interesting things have happened though.

I got rear ended on Saturday. Got some serious whiplash. My sunglasses went flying from my face when I got hit. Good thing I was wearing a seatbelt.

I realized that I am ambidextrous. For example, when I am at work in the mail room, I sort with my left land. I do this thing with my rugby ball where I toss it up in the air and spin it and I always do it left handed. When I play soccer, I prefer to play left defense, because I have more control of the ball. When I play cards I deal left handed. But in everything else I am right handed. Be jealous, y'all. Alright it's not that cool, but I feel slightly cooler for being able to say that I am ambidextrous.

On January 30, 2011 I am assuming I will not be married. In fact, I know I won't. On that day I will have passed the date of being the person in the family to get married the youngest. Not sure why I thought of that.

For the first time in my life, I am desperately trying to find a book to read. I like to read now! Today I saw Team of Rivals on tape in the BYU Bookstore and I was so pumped until I saw that it was 40 BONES which means I can't afford it right now. BUT I have The Glass Castle on special order right now so I am excited to read that. But I need some good suggestions of books to read.

Well that's all. Wow, that is PATHETIC that those are the most interesting things I could think of. I did it for the sake of putting up a new post though, so don't hate.



Topsy and Havoc said...

ah! i hate it when my blog doesn't show me when you post immediately! you got rear ended? holy crap. did you cuss them out? jk. this post was hilarious.

charley said...

..........................NOW! I bet you can fill that in.

Jeff and Jill said...

Audge! Im so sorry to hear about the accident...I'm glad you're okay. And who could be married in January!!! After all, you never know! ;) Well, anyway I love you lots and for the record, you are one of the most interesting people I know :)

Ann said...

What the heck! I didn't even know you had done a new post. I never saw it on my blog role. I just happened to go to it from Laura's blog. Weird....So is the car alright? Are you suing for millions? Has your team been winning it's rugby games? Are you enjoying it?

Rob and Marseille said...

check books out from the library. wait, how do you have time to read?