Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Little Audrey that Could

Keep going. Keep going. I can do this. I'm almost there. In five days I'll be here:
New York City, baby!

And then here! (Connect-i-cut)

And then possibly Boston!

Ain't it great becoming completely broke all because you treated yourself to something awesome? Yeah, it is. And you know what? I deserve this! So I don't feel guilty spending the money to fly myself out there ONE BIT. Especially when this is how I have felt lately:

So hopefully I'll come back looking a little more sane. Yeah...that'd be good.


Ann said...

Oh, Audge....I am loving that little drawing, and I know you will have a really good time back east. You're right. You deserve it.

Topsy and Havoc said...

audge! that picture is the funniest little drawing i have ever seen! i'm so excited that you get to go out there! you are going to love it.

charley said...

Boo yah!