Monday, November 30, 2009

I love this time of year...for the most part.

Well right now I am doing what I do best. Procrastinating. So why not write a blog post while I procrastinate? So here it is.
Thanksgiving was great. A little chaotic, but great. And while I was in Vegas for Thanksgiving I realized that we had a very diverse group. We had some full Americans (me and the sibs, parents and a few others) some Japanese-Amy and her kids, some Haitians, and some Italians (the Martoranas). Crazy eh?
I got to bust out the Christmas decorations while I was down there. That was fun. Right now I have a headache and I have 5421325689 school things to do right now and OH MY CRAP THIS IS THE MOST BORING BLOG POST EVER.

Mom and I had to use binoculars to see the tv.

The result of my need for some Christmas.

Some of the fam.


kathy said...

Audge, I look like I weigh about 400 lbs!!!!! Good Christmas decorating job. And yes, Dad should get me a big big screen tv for our room....Love, mom

Topsy and Havoc said...

haha that first picture is hilarious! what tv is in there? good job decorating auz. brings back the mems

Ann said...

Oh, man, Audge! I'm so glad you gave mom's house a little Christmas love. Did Mom pay you?! She would have!

kathy said...

Audrey decorated my house for my birthday and also gave me a vase of beautiful roses! what a girl! I definately would pay anyone to decorate my house. How do you spell definately?

Audge said...


Seth said...

Looks like it's just going to be Audrey, Mom, Dad, and me for Christmas this year. Oh my depress. But on the plus side, that means more presents for me. Come again?